Thank you for considering becoming a TEDxAkron 2024 Partner. Your sponsorship means the TEDxAkron team can put on a powerful and professional TEDx event to bring members of the Akron community together to discuss big ideas and philosophies that will inspire and impact the greater Akron community and the wider world!
Sponsorship support helps to fund venue rental, professional videography, video editing, photography, speaker coaching, marketing, promotion, tech support, coordinating events, and after-party. Checks or digital payments for sponsorships will be made to Rhinocorn Consulting, the 2024 fiscal agent for TEDxAkron.
Checks or Cash
Please make checks payable to Rhinocorn Consulting or Ben Bisbee and put “TEDxAkron 2024” in the memo line
Contact Ben directly for a meeting to exchange the sponsorship or mail them to 40 N. Portage Path, Akron Ohio 44303 c/o Ben Bisbee
For digital payment, please use this Venmo link or via the Venmo app @Rhinocorn and mention “TEDxAkron 2024” in the memo.